
2023 / 10 / 11  17:05

比地岡陽子の器とアリシア・ベイ・ローレルの絵 “Ceramics by Yoko Hijioka & Drawings Paintings by Alicia bay Laurel”開催のお知らせ

比地岡陽子の器とアリシア・ベイ・ローレルの絵 “Ceramics by Yoko Hijioka & Drawings Paintings by Alicia bay Laurel”開催のお知らせ


“Ceramics by Yoko Hijioka & Drawings Paintings by Alicia bay Laurel”


2023.11.10 ~ 19  12:00 ~18:00  *Closed on Tuesday 





アリシアベイローレルは、ヒッピーコミューンでの生活の中で自然とともに生きる指南書「地球の上に生きる」(Living On The Earth)を1970年に出版、世界中に愛読者を持つアーティスト。オーガニックライフを提唱する姿勢は現在も変わらず、アートや音楽でその思想を伝え続けています。













シソンギャラリー 野口アヤ










Yoko Hijioka, a potter in Kagoshima, Japan, creates pottery with a texture that blends with nature, sometimes using a gold paint that shines softly, and warm white pieces that showcase her gentle and warm personality.

Alicia Bay Laurel is an artist who wrote, illustrated and designed Living on the Earth, a guide to living with nature in a hippie commune, which was first published in 1970, and which has had a worldwide readership. She continues to advocate an organic lifestyle, and to share her ideas through art and music. SISON GALLERy held a solo exhibition of her work in 2018.


“I came across Alicia's book, Living on the Earth, when I was beginning to create vessels. I was raised in the city, and the world of Alicia's book seemed like a fairy tale to me. However, it inspired a yearning to make things by hand that would be part of my daily life, which led me to create ceramic dishes. I am very honored to be exhibiting with Alicia.” 

Yoko Hijioka


“I would like to thank Aya Noguchi for inviting me to present a two-person exhibition with ceramic artist Yoko Hijioka at SISON GALLERy. I really wish I could come to Japan to be with my beloved friends there, but my partner is ill, and I will not be able to go. All of you, please accept my best wishes for a wonderful winter season!" 

Alicia Bay Laurel


“I have been a big fan and friend of Alicia for 20 years, and Yoko Hijioka is a favorite of mine. I felt that their underlying thoughts and the texture of their work resonate beautifully with each other. This is also the first joint exhibition of two artists at SISON GALLERy.” 

Aya Noguchi, SISON GALLERy


We hope you will take this precious opportunity to visit our gallery.

We look forward to welcoming you.



2023 / 10 / 01  21:59

奥村乃 Dai OKUMURA Solo Exhibition “Japanese calligraphy” 開催のお知らせ

奥村乃 Dai OKUMURA Solo Exhibition “Japanese calligraphy” 開催のお知らせ







2023.10.20 fri – 10.29 sun


*Closed on Monday 

* 15:00~20:00 Reception on the first day

*Final day will close at 17:00


Dai Okumura 奥村乃 

千葉県いすみ市在住のサーフィンを愛する古道具商にして現代美術家。コンテンポラリーアンティーク集団「畳」のリーダー。年に数回個展やグループ展 を行っている。


Art works of Dai Okumura expressed freely and easily on old washi (Japanese paper) with black sumi (Indian ink) with fundamental way of Japanese calligraphy, but more like style of black and white graffiti art, in the exquisite balance with consciousness and unconsciousness coming from his inspirations, memories, sense of humor, nonsenses, etc., as his own "Japanese calligraphy" as a form of improvisation or art.



Dai Okumura

Living in Isumi, Chiba at the Pacific coastal side and loving surf.

Also the founder of antique dealer group from Japan called  t a t a m i (